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Curriculum Supports 

Welcome to our curriculum supports page! This is designed to be a place where you can find enrichment activities and resources to support your learning. Remember, the first place to start if you are struggling in a class is by talking with your teacher and arranging for some extra help after school or in class. All Fine & Performing Arts faculty want you to succeed and are willing to do what it takes to help you get where you need to be. 

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Get Involved! #creativehillies

We know navigating high school can be challenging, and one of the best ways to find where you belong, make friends, and create valuable memories is to join an extracurricular club! Visit our club page for more information on each club (drama, art, photography, film, or afterschool chorus & band!)

Contact a Club Advisor!

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Social-Emotional Supports

Not sure who your guidance counselor is, or how to get in touch with them? Visit the School Counseling Department Website to get your counselor's email. They can help you with picking classes, talk through challenging situations, or help you get connected with the supports you need to succeed. 

Writing with Pen

Study Tips

Struggling to stay on top of too many assignments? 

We know that managing all your assignments and resources can feel overwhelming sometimes! From Google Classroom posts, to Schoolbrains grades, to weekly tests and homework assignments, students have a lot to manage.  Check out this video for some tips on how to stay organized and on top of things when you're feeling overwhelmed. 

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